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It’s National Farmworker Awareness Week! - Vecinos

Marianne Martinez
  • March 26, 2018

Farmworker Awareness Week (March 24-31) is organized by Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF), a non-profit group based out of Durham, NC, that aims to bring students and farmworkers together to collaborate, share resources, and use their combined voices to spread awareness for the importance of farmworker rights across America. During Awareness Week, SAF and a multitude of farmworker supporters work together to hold rallies, long-sleeved shirt drives, educational talks, and documentary showings (just to name a few) to spread the word about farmworkers and strengthen the effort to improve their safety and quality of life here in the States.

FAW is especially important this year as our current Administration has pushed to destabilize existing immigration legislation and make it more difficult for farmworkers to live and work in the US without fear. Though FAW is only one week out of the year, it is important for us to continue supporting and advocating for farmworkers in our community each and every day.

How to get involved: SAF has a fantastic list of ways to take action in your community, regardless of the week. Though targeted towards students, many of the ideas can be implemented in a wide variety of settings (ie: workplace, church, schools, movie theater, local diner) and by just about anyone. Some notable ideas include writing a letter-to-the-editor to your local newspaper about the importance of supporting farmworkers, holding a farmworker-related film screening and discussion for a group of colleagues or community members, and inviting a panel of farmworkers to speak in your community.

For further reading and to check out upcoming FAW events, check out the Student Action with Farmworkers Webpage and the official Farmworker Awareness Week Facebook page for details.