Kelly Ware

Kelly Ware, FNP

Nurse Practitioner

Kelly completed her FNP degree from Western Carolina University. She finished an FNP residency program in Petaluma, California in an FQHC. She has a Master’s in community health nursing & completed her BSN from Johns Hopkins.

In her early career, she was a nurse in medical-surgical and orthopedics units in hospital settings. She has worked as an adjunct clinical instructor for LPN students for AB Tech Community College. She has worked briefly with the Asheville health department as an infectious disease nurse and as a nurse at the Mountain View Correctional facility. Her last role as nurse she worked as a diabetes nurse navigator through the State of North Carolina. Kelly has a strong passion for working with underserved and vulnerable populations and was drawn to Vecinos to serve uninsured migrant and seasonal workers.

Kelly, her husband and two daughters live in Black Mountain and enjoy spending most of their time outdoors and traveling. Kelly enjoys hiking, jogging and biking.

FUN FACT: She has served in Doctors Without Borders as a field nurse on five different missions including; Guatemala, Haiti, Kenya and others. Focusing on malnutrition, sexual violence, emergency disaster relief, measles and meningitis outbreak campaigns.