Marianne Martinez
  • May 21, 2021


Photo by: Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs (AFOP)

This past week was National Farmworker Women’s Health Week (NFWHW), a public awareness campaign about the health risks that farmworker women and their families face, particularly pesticide exposure. The week was hosted by different organizations with the help from the Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs (AFOP).

Pesticide exposure is particularly dangerous during pregnancy and can cause miscarriages, preterm births, low birth weight, birth defects and learning problems in children. Many farmworkers live on or near fields where pesticides are used. Children often play in those fields, which is why it’s important for advocates and healthcare providers working with farmworker families to keep an eye out for symptoms of exposure, including rashes, headaches, nausea, shivers and dizziness.

Help keep farmworker families safe!
It’s easy to experience pesticide exposure. Children can come into contact via outside toys, parents’ work clothes, playing in work vehicles, not washing fruits/vegetables, and playing outside.

Closing windows, keeping central air systems off, and moving outdoor play toys inside during and after spraying can help reduce exposure.

Farmworker women deserve physical and mental well-being, a safe and healthy workplace, and equality in education, wages and access to health.

Be an advocate for farmworker safety and find out how you can help!